September 23, 2011

Teaching Children to Pray

Teaching children to pray should be done early when children begin to talk. Teaching children to pray to is not as easy as we imagine. So, be patient...

Children at 3-6 years
The goal for this stage is to establish a basic understanding  so that every child will understand:
-Prayer is the time when they ask the Father in Heaven just like asking the father on earth
-Praying is easy and fun, so children need not be afraid to pray
-Knowing the proper attitude to pray

Here are several steps that can be done.  The stages proposed here can be modified according to the need:

Repeat the spoken prayer 

The first phase is about to train a child the have courage to pray, and children get the basic impression that prayer is easy and fun. Each time they  pray  we can asks them to repeat each sentence of  prayer we say.  

Here are some things we should know: 
a. We have to say 1-2 words which are easy to remember and follow by the children. Pronounced the  words slowly and make sure that the chosen words  are simple and easy to understand children
b. The entire prayer should not be too long, just 1-2 sentences so the child can understand his point.

In this stage we should also teach them the good attitude when they pray, e.g. folded arms and closed eyes. Train children to fold the hand is not difficult, but to train children to close their eyes takes time and patience, because in general the child is afraid of the dark. We can use the simulation and movements to train the attitude of prayer.

Teach a variety of prayer according to the needs of the child
The prayer that we teach a short course of prayer, easily understood and remembered by children.

Pray for others (intercession prayer)
Children can be trained to pray for their neighbor or friend.

Children at 7-9 years

Children praying with prayer own creations
Children can be invited to compose a short prayer with his own words and then we ask them to say these prayers. Remember, we have to make comments and praise for every prayer written by the children.

Children at 10-15 years

Praying for a personal struggle
Encourage children to write letters to the Lord Jesus. The letter was in the form of their personal struggles. The letter can contain a prayer request or thanksgiving because the Lord has blessed and helped them.

Children can make prayer for actual problems
Before praying give an introduction about the situation or circumstances around us, our country or internationally. Invite your child to pray to the problem.

Children should learn the concept of praying 24 Hours
At this stage children begin to be taught about the need for prayer at any time, they began to wake up, eat, go to school, play, etc ... The children can pray at any time in his heart.


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