November 30, 2011

PAUD di Sikari

Berfoto bersama guru - guru PAUD - Sikari

Pada bulan Juni 2011 yang lalu saya berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi desa Sikari, di tepi Sungai Memberamo.  Sebuah desa yang berpenduduk tidak lebih dari 400 jiwa.  PAUD di tempat ini masih berusia sekitar 2 tahun dan dilayani oleh 5 orang guru wanita.  Jumlah siswa PAUD adalah sekitar 60 siswa.   Bahasa Indonesia yang mereka kuasai sangat terbatas, namun cukup untuk menjalin komunikasi antara kami.  Dalam mengajar mereka menggunakan bahasa campuran, yaitu bahasa Sikari dan Bahasa Indonesia.  Sangatlah menarik, sekalipun berada di sebuah tempat yang jauh dari perkotaan, namun semangat belajar dan mengajar mereka sangat tinggi.  Setiap kesempatan untuk belajar dipergunakan dengan sebaik - baiknya.

October 16, 2011

Sucking Finger

Naturally,  a baby sucks his  finger because he needs it. Actually it shows that the baby is healthy and normal. Every baby is definitely going to suck their finger.  Usually it happens until the age of 3 months.   It is reflex because it starts when the baby has born.  That is why, if the baby will suckle, the mother's nipple does not need forced to put into baby's mouth. Simply slide the slide-cheek with the nipple, the baby will be looking toward the nipple. But it does not mean that all babies have a good sucking reflex. As Prof  Dr. dr. Nartono Kadri, SP.A (K) sais that there are some babies who have low sucking reflex, i.e. infants born premature and sick babies. "For the premature infants, their thumb sucking reflex are more slowly than the healthy ones, because their growth is not perfect." While the sick babies, for example, suffered severe respiratory problems. "This means the baby is in weak condition, so that the babies' sucking reflex are  not in good condition.

The Need for Sucking
Psychologically, according to Dra. Betty DK. Zakianto, M. Si, when infants suck their fingers it can happens because they hungry. Besides sucking babies do have needs, from birth to age 3 months. "Needs obtained sucking baby when breastfeeding, but this needs to be individualized. That is, each baby has a sucking need different, "explained this educational psychologist. That is why, duration of breastfeeding would not be the same on every baby. For example, there are babies who found satisfaction after sucking for 20 minutes during the breastfeeding, but there are some who feel satisfied after 40 minutes. In addition, milking interval can also be influential. Infants who were given once every 3 hours to drink, for example, needs to suck less than infants who are drinking 4 hours. "So the more often the baby was given the opportunity to suckle, the more often a baby can meet the needs for sucking," he continued. Some experts also said that breastfed infants would be more rare to do finger sucking than the baby who drink from a bottle. "If there are babies who breastfed while still sucking the finger, it could be due to a lack of nursing time. For example, the baby needs  40 minutes, but he was only given 20 minutes, so he was not satisfied. "Ideal feeding time, according to Betty, is about 30 to 40 minutes. "On 20 minutes the mother's milk is actually empty, but the baby is still sucking her nipples in order to meet the needs of sucking." 

Gloves or pacifier
The problem is that parents doesn't like to see the baby sucking finger.  They are afraid if the habit of sucking fingers will become a habit until after infancy. If it were so, it would be very difficult to eliminate. Anyway, if this practice continues, it would impede the development of the teeth. That is why, usually the parents provide an alternative solution by putting on gloves. In fact, according to Nartono, this method does not solve the problem, instead it can cause a danger. "The baby instead put the glove into his mouth.  Well, if  the gloves were sucked continues, of course, it got wet. In wet conditions, germs and dirt will be more easily attached. So, finally gloves can be bad for the baby, "he explained.  Beside gloves, some parents also like to give a pacifier.  It usually happens because the baby is still fussy even  after they have breast-fed. In contrast to the finger, according to Nartono, pacifier was so influential on the development of the teeth, because the pacifier is not as hard as fingers. In addition, a pacifier is an object outside the infant's body, thus removing the habit relatively easier than when the finger sucking. But by sucking pacifier it can cause lot of air into the baby's stomach so the baby will be easy bloating. "Usually, when the pacifier falls just wipe on the shirt while the caregivers, directly fed back into the baby's mouth. Well, this, right, could be a problem in  for the baby. " In other words, gloves and  pacifier will cause new problems when being used as a substitute for the fingers. 

Do not Worry
According to Betty, the parents do need not really to worry, because the habit of finger sucking will stop by itself. But with the record, as long as the baby grows in a fun environment. "Parents need to tolerate in order to meet the needs of the baby to suck." After all, eventually it will stop the habit itself. Moreover, as noted above, sucking fingers is a sign the baby is healthy and normal. Also, it is one of the needs of infants from birth to age 3 months. So it was natural. In fact, Betty says, until the age of 7 months too, the habit of finger sucking in infants is still considered reasonable. Another case when after the age of 7 months babies still continue the habit of finger sucking. "Parents should find out the problems," suggested Betty.    If the baby get the comfort of his thumb, said Betty, she could be experiencing boredom, frustration, or even exhausted. "His case is similar to infants who seek security from the objects around him, such as blankets, pillows or stuffed." Even so, remember Betty, still the parents should not force the baby to stop the habit immediately. "Try to turn its attention to other activities that attract him. For example, create a game with a hand or finger, like playing applause. Obviously, this game should be memorable for him. "It could also provide fun toys or replace with a special toy to be bitten. But do not forget, make sure the toy is safe and clean. If all of these ways has remained fruitless, according to Betty, the parents actually do not have to worry too much during normal growth. So, although babies have a habit of sucking fingers, but he's still playful and cheerful, yes, it's okay. But if he starts daydreaming and activities throughout the day just sucking fingers, then the parents should worry. Consult with an expert is the best alternative if the parents can not nevertheless be able to find the cause and resolve it.

October 09, 2011

Celery and Brain

We would agree if we got older, our memory will decrease. Now, we can still improve the sharpness of the brain, by eating celery, which is usually used as a flavoring or garnish the dish.

A study showed that luteolin compounds found in vegetables is effective to slow cognitive decline in older mice. In that study, mice fed a diet enriched with luteolin, proved to have a brain that does the same with rats younger.

Luteolin, similar to quercetin, a flavonoid, which can fight the aging process in all cells of our bodies, and associated with a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. In the brain, flavonoids protect the cells from the aging process by reducing inflammation.

Luteolin were also found on most other herbs, like parsley, chamomile tea leaves, rosemary, oregano or known by the name of olive oil, carrots and peppermint.

Vegetables that grow in the lowlands and the high was also able to fight cancer cells, because of the content of apigenin. Celery juice is also effective to relieve headache or migraine.


September 25, 2011

Choosing Suitable Books for Babies

Fabric Book
Book is one of the "tools" for children to learn, including for babies.  Pictures and a series of stories that can stimulate and attract the attention of babies. The question is : what kind of books suitable for babies?

We can choose fabric books, plastic books and books of thick cardboard material.  Such books can be found easily in bookstores in major cities now

Here are some criteria of suitable  books for babies:

  • Made of soft material or fabric.
  • Do not cause choking hazard
  • For newborns, choose one that has contrasting colors, it can stimulate their various senses (visual, tactile and auditory). Usually, each page has a texture, color and made of different materials.
  • For older babies, you can also buy electronic book when we press one button we can hear voice/music. The contents of the book even expressed verbally. Also there is a baby board book, which is made of thick cardboard.

Another type of baby book is  a combination of two types of books. That is, board book that also has an electronic keypad on the edge of the book. So baby can flip through the pages, pressing one button and listen-again classic songs that stimulate the sensesOur babies will be happy, and their intelligent will be growing!

children book


September 24, 2011

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders (ADHD)

Since the last twenty years Pooled Attention Disorder is often referred to as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders). This disorder is characterized by the inability of children to focus on something that is encountered, so it is very short attention span of time than other children her age, usually accompanied by symptoms hyperactive and impulsive behavior. these disorders can interfere with the child's development in terms of cognitive, behavioral, socialization and communication.

Hyperactivity disorder is often encountered in behavioral disorders in children. In recent years hyperactive disorder problem into the spotlight and become a major concern in the medical community or the general public .. The incidence of these abnormalities is about 30-10%, in America unions around 3-7% while in Germany, Canada and New Zealand about 5-10%. Diagnosis and Statistics Manual (DSM IV) mentioned the prevalence of the incidence of ADHD in school-age children ranging from 3 to 5 percent.

September 23, 2011

Teaching Children to Pray

Teaching children to pray should be done early when children begin to talk. Teaching children to pray to is not as easy as we imagine. So, be patient...

Children at 3-6 years
The goal for this stage is to establish a basic understanding  so that every child will understand:
-Prayer is the time when they ask the Father in Heaven just like asking the father on earth
-Praying is easy and fun, so children need not be afraid to pray
-Knowing the proper attitude to pray

Here are several steps that can be done.  The stages proposed here can be modified according to the need:

Repeat the spoken prayer 

The first phase is about to train a child the have courage to pray, and children get the basic impression that prayer is easy and fun. Each time they  pray  we can asks them to repeat each sentence of  prayer we say.  

Here are some things we should know: 
a. We have to say 1-2 words which are easy to remember and follow by the children. Pronounced the  words slowly and make sure that the chosen words  are simple and easy to understand children
b. The entire prayer should not be too long, just 1-2 sentences so the child can understand his point.

In this stage we should also teach them the good attitude when they pray, e.g. folded arms and closed eyes. Train children to fold the hand is not difficult, but to train children to close their eyes takes time and patience, because in general the child is afraid of the dark. We can use the simulation and movements to train the attitude of prayer.

Teach a variety of prayer according to the needs of the child
The prayer that we teach a short course of prayer, easily understood and remembered by children.

Pray for others (intercession prayer)
Children can be trained to pray for their neighbor or friend.

Children at 7-9 years

Children praying with prayer own creations
Children can be invited to compose a short prayer with his own words and then we ask them to say these prayers. Remember, we have to make comments and praise for every prayer written by the children.

Children at 10-15 years

Praying for a personal struggle
Encourage children to write letters to the Lord Jesus. The letter was in the form of their personal struggles. The letter can contain a prayer request or thanksgiving because the Lord has blessed and helped them.

Children can make prayer for actual problems
Before praying give an introduction about the situation or circumstances around us, our country or internationally. Invite your child to pray to the problem.

Children should learn the concept of praying 24 Hours
At this stage children begin to be taught about the need for prayer at any time, they began to wake up, eat, go to school, play, etc ... The children can pray at any time in his heart.


February 25, 2011

Safe Environment

Children in their early years usually loves to explore everything around them.  They love to touch, smell, eat, and move around to satisfy their curiosity.  It’s important for parents or teacher to provide a safe environment for them enough to learn in their own ways.  They like to try new things, that is why parents and teachers should keep dangerous and poisonous things away from them.

February 24, 2011

Who Should Teach Young Children?

The responsibility of teaching young children belongs to both men and women.  God placed men and women in the family.  Each gender brings a different and essential dimension to the teaching of young children.  They need role models.  Where there is no model, there will likely be no example to follow.  Boys and girls need to see dads and moms and men and women involved in teaching and leading.

February 23, 2011

Signal Can Be Useful

Children need to see and to hear something to catch their attention.  We can try to use signal, such as:
  • claps (one, two, or more loud claps)
  • song
  • a bell ringing
  • a hand motion
We can tell the children when we give particular signal, they should try to hear the wind blows.  They need to be quiet to do that.  So, we can start giving direction to them as we have got their attention!